Individualized, Innovative
Olivia McNair
Olivia McNair is a Legal Assistant at Wilson Law Group. Having spent most of her life in small, primarily white towns that undervalue language programs, it wasn’t until college that Olivia took her first Spanish class. Having enrolled in the course simply to fulfill a graduation requirement, Olivia quickly found that her Spanish courses were among her favorites. Continuing past the two-semester requirement for graduation, Olivia studied abroad in Toledo, Spain and began volunteering at a food shelf as an interpreter for Spanish speaking guests, most of whom had recently migrated to the US. Working with people in this way gave Olivia a sense of fulfillment that has left her committed to continuing to work with immigrant communities. As she plans to attend law school, with the hopes of working in immigration law, Olivia values immensely the work that she gets to do at WLG.
- University of Minnesota- Twin Cities
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Studies
- English and Spanish