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Firm News

It is about who you know – understanding qualifying relatives for provisional waivers

The path from undocumented immigrant to lawful permanent resident can be full of obstacles, especially if the undocumented immigrant enters the United States without a visa and remains in the United States without status. Many believe that they have no chance of becoming a permanent resident due to their unlawful entry and presence. Others believe that they may simply become…

Matter of A-B- III – the everchanging legal standards for asylum and domestic violence

Matter of A-B- III –  What Is Old Is New Again? To qualify for asylum, a person must have a “well-founded fear” of persecution based on past persecution or risk of persecution in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” While gender is not one of the protected grounds, survivors…

Finally! Temporary Work Permits for Pending U Visas

Relief for U Visa Applicants – USCIS Finally Issuing Temporary Work Permits Following Bona Fide Determinations Waiting for a U visa approval—and the work permit that comes with it—can seem like an eternity.  The government continues to report that it is taking 60.5-61 months or just over 5 years for USCIS to issue a decision on a U visa application,…

Moving Forward After Loss: What Happens if the Petitioner Passes Away while the Case Remains Pending

Moving Forward After Loss:  What Happens if the Petitioner Passes Away while the Case Remains Pending?  During the COVID-19 pandemic, families across the globe are facing loss in record numbers. Faced with this reality, many US citizen and Lawful Permanent Residents who have filed for loved ones now wonder: if my relative passes while applying for me, what happens then?  Does my…

May I Go? Traveling While Naturalizing

Many people ask whether they may travel internationally once they have filed their applications for naturalization. The answer is that, generally, yes, a lawful permanent resident may travel outside the United States while their naturalization application is pending. However, there are very clear limitations.  First, if a lawful permanent resident is absent from the US for more than 180 days…

Up in Smoke – Legalized Marijuana and the Loss of Immigration Status

Although legalization of marijuana is becoming more prevalent throughout states, the use and sale of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Because immigration benefits are controlled by federal law, this differential could pose serious inadmissibility, removability, and good moral character issues for noncitizens living and working in states where marijuana is legal. Even if a noncitizen possessed, used, or sold…

Credible Fear Interviews and the Third Country Transit Rule

For individuals seeking asylum in the United States, arriving at the US border may signify the end to their physical journey; however, it also marks the beginning of a longer legal journey navigating the credible fear screening process and, more recently, the “third-country-transit asylum eligibility bar.” Think of the credible fear screening process as the key to a locked door…

Can I Ever Get Out? Pursuing Release from Custody

Every year there are hundreds of immigrants who languish for months and often years in county jails or private detention facilities awaiting deportation. Some are seeking asylum; others are legal residents. Many have criminal records for crimes committed years ago, some decades ago. Most are appealing their removal orders, and the vast majority have never had a chance to argue…

Relief at Last – Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness

A law that has been more than a decade in the making finally made it through Congress at the end of 2019.  Section 7611 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 included a long-awaited form of relief unique to Liberians.  The section, identified as Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness, addresses the needs of Liberians who have been caught…

Automatic Voter Registration – A Siren Song for a Future Deportation

The 2020 presidential election is already dominating news headlines. Since mid-January, politicians and public figures have been announcing their candidacy in rapid succession. Such political fervor is arguably good for the democratic process, as it brings important issues to the forefront. It also prompts campaign organizers to align supporters and so focuses attention on the voter registration process. Automatic Voter…